By sobat : Rihsab Mohamed , Base Rom Mediamod
Sedikit fiture Rom ZeeRow OS mtk6572 Android Jellybeand :
SMooth,irit batre jika beruntung data off hehe faktor luck,dual3g,fast ,deodex dll..
test dan coba sendiri ok , selama pake ok aja,. dwyor and backup..
"untuk lenovo a369i gunakan xpress port masing masing atau di port dahulu untuk device base jb 4.2.2 lalinya mtk6572
CREDITS Rom ZeeRow OS mtk6572 Android Jellybeand & Thanks :
-BLog source lupaaa(file port rom ngumpul) ,gampang nanti di edit hehe..
Team FMD [Fly Mod Devs] ,4PDA Team MAAaDR,Team Material Android Development , Team Pussy , Team FPD , XOLO A600 Experts , Evercoss A7S , Team UDM Infinity , Gurpreet Sing , Klark Luis Fajardo Peralta , Aditya Kumar ,Wahyu Hidayat, Josiah Tingzon , Don Delfin , Danielle , Rommel Villasor , Robin Joseph,You and me,and many others ..
Rom ZeeRow OS mtk6572 Android Jellybeand
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